Occupy your wallet is an ongoing project by a Delaware based artist, in which photographs of demonstrators, often including placard messages, are printed on valueless credit cards, which are given away free – sometimes to other Occupy protestors, sometimes to friends and acquaintances, and sometimes at exhibitions and open studio visits. The work – being free, and intended to be kept in an untraditional space for art (one’s wallet) – explores parallels between the Occupy movement and alternative press traditions of subverting, appropriating and re-claiming centers of power – be they galleries or governments.
Check the blog for updates on current places the cards are being exhibited / given away.
Choose a photo and send a self addressed, stamped envelope, and we'll send you your own card. See the Contact page for details.
Check the blog for updates on current places the cards are being exhibited / given away.
Choose a photo and send a self addressed, stamped envelope, and we'll send you your own card. See the Contact page for details.